Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Long Ago

Latah, ini yang mencerminkan postingan saya kali ini. Karena melihat-lihat blog teman-teman yang banyak puisi gw juga jadi pengen posting puisi. Terutama terinspirasi dari puisi cukup vulgar nan mantap punya Lily.

Sebenarnya saya udah mau posting puisi ini lamaaa banget. Kayak judulnya Long Ago. Mungkin ada yang udah pernah dengar judul puisi yang akan saya tulis ini? Familiar? Silakan di baca. Maaf bila ada kesamaan seperti puisi yang pernah kalian baca atau diperdengarkan teman-teman kalian. Atau mungkin anda hanya merasa ini Deja Vu setelah membaca puisi ini?

Here it goes.

Long Ago

When Granny was a little girl
She brought things in the street
Muffins from the Muffin Man
And chestnut for a treat
Crispy, hot, delicious
Burning in her hand
The smell as nuts were roasting
She remembers - it was grand
Then, there was the Organ Man
The children gathered round
Laughing at his monkey
Dancing to the sound
Tossing him a penny
As the hurdy-gurdy played
While pennies kept on tinkling

The Organ Man, he said
But Granny liked the man the best
With windmills on his barrow
Reds and yellows, bright and gray
Whirring in the breeze
"Oh Mother, Mother!" she would say,
"A jam jar, quickly pealse!"
Then out to change it for the toy
To think a jar could buy such joy!

And while she played and chased about
In other streets she'd hear him shout:
"Windmills for jam jars ... jam jars ... jam jars!"
Fading as he went
And Granny was so happy
With the jam jar she had spent.

Bagaimana puisinya? HAHAHAHA. Saya tidak pernah bilang akan menulis puisi buatan saya. Deja Vu atau? Saya ingin menulis puisi ini karena terasa sangat melekat di hati. Sampe apal. apa emang di suruh ngapalin?

Do you like it? yes? yes?

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