As the title says, yes, I’ve found a new guy. It’s all because my . . . what should I call him? A Friend? No, he’s far more than just a friend for me. A best friend? Maybe, but It isn’t really fit my feeling to him. A brother? Kinda. He’s nice, mature, a good advisor, funny, talkatives, although sometimes he talks without thingking them first. Not that bad actually, it’s just because I don’t know how to say “asal jeplak” in English. But there’s a thing that I like the most, he’s understanding. I like to share my problems with him so he may give me some advises and suggestions which I think so right to be followed. And share my other stories with him. Well, he’s one of my good friends. Although I’ve just known him for about three months, but I feel comfortable being near him. I love you, Mr. Afiandri. :D
Let’s get back to the topic, it began when Mr. Afiandri suggested me to hear some of Avanged Sevenfold’s songs. And here was what he said,
Mr. A : “coba deh dengerin lagu Dear God, Seize the Day, sama A Little Piece of Heaven”
I don’t really like a hard song? Rock? Metal? Somethings like it. Or can I say, I hate them? They make my ears hurt, and rarely give me a headache when I hear them. But I thought I twas ok if I just try to listen of someone’s suggestion. I know he wouldn’t suggested me a bad thing. Ahaaa.
Well first I listened to, “Seize the Day” it was good. I never thought that this kind of band has a good lyric’s meaning. Then I listened to “A Little Piece Of Heaven”, it’s even greater! The last, “Dear God”. I’ve listened to this song before but,
“I don’t remember it was this good. From the lyric to the melody”
After I said my comments to Mr. Afriandi about the songs, he said this,
Mr. A : “iya
As he said, I looked up in YouTube and watched the video. First I watch A Little Piece Of Heaven, it was kinda weird. Next was Dear God, not really interested. The last, Seize the Day, I didn’t really want to see it, but why not lah. For a couple second in the video I got bored. And bored. And bored. And ….. wait! I saw someone. I Asked Mr. Afiandri right after I saw that person. He told me his name and then I search it in google images. Hihiiii.
Oh he is so handsome!
Mr. A : “baru nyadar
I : “iya. Hehehe”
Yes, he is the vocal of the band!
M Shadows
Here he is, I got some of his picts >,<

Isn’t he handsome??

But he’s tattoos make me scared . . .

This is the first time I saw his beautiful face. :P
Save the best for last, and here is my favourite!! Hyaa~

Isn’t he cute? :DD
Well, he is my new guy! M Shadow the vocal of Ax7!
What do you think?
Thanks to Mr. Afiandri who introduced this guy to me. :D
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